• Testa & Poulios

Testa & Poulios

Classical guitar

Italian guitarist Massimiliano Testa strongly believes that a deeper level of mutual understanding and sense of communion can be reached through music. He studies classical guitar at the Maastricht Conservatory. So does Greek guitarist Vassillis Poulios, who believes that the guitar is a ‘miniature orchestra’, with its expressive, colourful beauty.
They will perform solo and together. You will hear music from Gangi, Brouwer, Castelnuovo-Tedesco and Domeniconi.


Sat 7 September 19:30-20:00h
Board Room B 1.019
Location 2: Bouillonstraat 3
Sat 7 September 21:30-22:00h
Board Room B 1.019
Location 2: Bouillonstraat 3